百百课 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 My May Day

My May Day


My May Day Today is May Day. My grand-mothr, grand-fathr, uncl, aunt, sistr and brothr cam to my hom, w njoyd th fstival togthr.

W at hot-dogs, hamburgrs, cornflaks and rolls……w drank ta and orang juic.

In th aftrnoon, w wnt to th zoo. W lookd at monkys, rabbits, lphants, zbras and so on.

My brothr is waring T-shirt, it is blu. My sistr’s swatr is rd, and my shos ar pink. Thos ar all my favorit colurs. W hld a fashion show.

In th vning w watchd TV togthr and thn thy wnt hom happily.

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