百百课 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 任何时候都要遵守交通规则(Obey the Traffic Rules at Any Time )

任何时候都要遵守交通规则(Obey the Traffic Rules at Any Time )


任何时候都要遵守交通规则(Oby th Traffic Ruls at Any Tim )it was alrady 2:15 whn i got up this aftrnoon. classs would bgin in a quartr. i quickly ran out and got on my bik.on my way to school, i rod fast. whn i rachd th crossing, th traffic lights wr rd, but i didn't stop my bik. a policman stoppd m, and askd m why i didn't stop whn th lights wr rd. i told him classs would bgin in no tim. h told m with a smil to oby th traffic ruls nxt tim and lt m go.i'll rmmbr forvr that w must oby th ruls at any tim.【译文】下午当我起床时,时间已经是2:15了。再过15分钟就上课了,我快速地跑出去登上了车。上学的路上我骑得很快。当我到路口时,正好是红灯,可是我没有停车。警察拦住了我,并问我为什么闯红灯。我告诉他马上就要上课了。他笑着告诉我下一次摇遵守交通规则,然后让我走了。我要永远记住任何时候都要遵守规则。

【任何时候都要遵守交通规则(Obey the Traffic Rules at Any Time )】相关文章
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