百百课 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 铅笔盒(pencil-box)



铅笔盒(pncil-box)铅笔盒(pncil-box)i hav a pncil-box. it’s vry bautifu. i bought it in a shop. i’v kpt it for on yar. it cost m tnty-foru yuan.i lik it vry much.this pncil-box is mad of mtal. it’s rathr xquisit. oh th fac of th pncil-box, thr ar two pigs.on is “miss pig”. th othr is “mr pig”.thy look lik bing good frinds. thy gt on vry wll with ach othr.th fmal is looking at hrslf in a mirror. sh is in a rd skirt and sh looks vry bautifu.th mal is looking at hr with a smil on his fac. it sms that h’s happyity proud to b hr bst frind.opn th pncil-box, you can s som ball-pns, a rulr,an rasr and othr sta-tionry. usually, i usu thm.somtims, i lnd thm to my classmats. i lik thm vry much, you know. thy’r my good frinds.

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