百百课 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 我十岁时的生活(My life when I was ten old)

我十岁时的生活(My life when I was ten old)


我十岁时的生活(My lif whn I was tn old)whn i was tn yars old, i usd to wait for th ic cram truck to com by vryday. i lovd vry favor thy had in th bins but my favorit was th rocky road.whnvr i hard th music com clos, i got so xcitd that i couldn’t wait to put my shos on bfor i ran out of th hous to chas th ic cram truck.i told my mom that i wantd to hav my own ic cram truck whn i grw up.

【我十岁时的生活(My life when I was ten old)】相关文章
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