百百课 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 我的好朋友(My Good Friend)

我的好朋友(My Good Friend)


我的好朋友(My Good Frind)zhang png is my good frind. sh’s in class1, grad4 of tianjiao primary school. sh’s a modl studnt. sh’s clvr and sh’s hlpful, too. sh of tn hlps tachrs and young studnts at school. sh is good at chins, maths, ngl is h, arts and crafts, music and so on. sh has a lot of hobbis.sh liks painting and drawing. and sh liks l is tning to music, having picnics with hr parnts. oh yah, sh liks f is hing, too. but sh dosn’t lik playing basktball, football, tabl tnn is or vollyball. zhang png is th bst frind of min. i lik playing with hr. w always work togthr and hlp ach othr.

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